Sunday, September 19, 2010


I took my first hunting adventure with my dad at age six. From the smell of the woods on a fall night to sighting out and feeling the cool breeze go across your face while you look at the stars. I get this feeling everytime I go hunting it takes me back to that specific place in time.
I have going hunting for basically from rabbits and squirrels to deer, ducks, and geese. But my passion lies in bowhunting. It is almost primitive in an aspect. the rush you get when you let your arrow fly but the stength and ability to pull back a bow.
I have been bowhunting for the last three years, and I took my first buck and I never felt so alive in my life. To think you are sitting twenty feet off the ground bow in hand and waiting to get your one chance at maybe taking your first buck. Everything has to be right from wind to you controlling your breathing and calming yourself down to make a good shot on the deer.
This is what gets my adreniline pumping and there is nothing else like it in the world to me. I will continue to hunt until I physically can not go to the woods anymore and bowhunting is and always will be my passion.

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