Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hunting Blogs


1. what appeals to me is anything you would want to know about hunting or questions about hunting, you can find your answers on this website. The different topics from day to day keep me guessing and it is never the same thing.

2. Different pro staff members contribute to the blog, but the main blogger is on all the time. He is easy going when he talks on the blog and doesn't try to confuse to much.

3. I need to use the way he blogs in my blogs more often. Short and to the point. he decribes the ins and outs of deer hunting and life in general and how they relate to eachother.

4. Any beginning hunter could use this site to learn much more about the outdoors and deer hunting, then experience would. Many of the questions that first time hunters have are answered very well in this blog.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Minas gave us a look into how 9/11 directly impacted his life and those around him. He gives us a understanding of the American dream, he never gave up. After all that has happened, he still wants to go back to ground zero and re-open his shoe store. That is a sign for the American people.
His story should told as an eye opener for America. He looked devistation in the face and beat it. That is what his story should be.
Blogs are your opinions on specific stories your read on the internet. Blogging helps you gain greater knowledge on a specific topic by reading the thoughts of other people. You recieve the story from different perspectives when reading peoples blogs.
Everyone can use blogs for careers, sports, hobbies, or life in general. Blogging is a great way to get your opionion out in the open for the world to see.