Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ode to Fluffball

To the writer:

I am writing a how-to-guide for you on copywriting. There are several ways you can obtain information on copywriting such as the internet, dictionaries, or books from the library. The easiest way to obtain information on copywriting and here are some websites that can be helpful in understanding the wat copyrights work. Click here

Copyright is making sure your work won't be published by anyone without your concent. It will garauntee that if your poem makes it to the "big time" that no one will make money off of you unless you let them. However for information that copyright does not protect follow this link Click Here

But if your cat can do this we have a whole new probelm click the link Click Here

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The annual Kumquat festival is a great money raising event for the Dade City Community. This tropical fruit is like a smaller version of an orange and a very sweet tasting fruit. Dade City competes directly with Tampa's Gasparilla
Pirate Parade, our Kumquat Festival boasts more than 250 booths lining Meridian Avenue between State Road 52 and Highway 301 and crowds estimated to be as large as 40,000. People come from all over to sample all manner of Kumquat foods from pies, smoothies, marmalade, cookies and ice cream to salsa. This festival is a down home feel good way of life and what Dade City likes to represent there daily life style.